
People throng online casinos not only to play those exciting and challenging games of skill, but also to play some easy, yet exhilarating games of chance. And when we talk of the latter category, the casino slot games come to the top of the mind.

Majority of the casinos offer slot games due to their immense popularity. The simplicity of these games not withstanding, both the greenhorns in the realm of gambling as well as the veterans in the field hanker after these games, albeit with different reasons.

So, if you are good at lottery or believe that the lady luck will shine on you, the casino slots are just what the doctor ordered for you.

The casino slots are a win-win for the situation for the player as well as the casino. For the players, it is a relaxing form of gambling, while for the casinos it is a bait to attract scores of players to the casino.

One tends to get bamboozled in the maze of casinos, all offering a huge variety of casino games including slots. The attractive graphics, exhilarating sounds and the overall breathing taking environment of casinos make the choice of which casino to play in all the more difficult.

The premier All Slots Casino provides the fun of playing casino slots and allows you to chance your arms, clear of harms way. Thus, the player can be assured that there will be no element of cheating and that the slot game can be enjoyed in a safe, fair and protected environment.

The All Slots Casino can boast of over 200 online slots games in its catalog. Be it 3-reel classic slots, 5-reel video slots, progressive slots or UK-style fruit machines, the casino has it all.

Research indicates that over three-fifth of the space in a brick and mortar casino is occupied the slot games, even then the players are seen jostling with each other and standing in long serpentine queues to play their favorite game.

This is where an online casino scores over the brick-and-mortar casino. A physical casino can be home to only a limited number of slot machines, howsoever big it may be. On the other hand, an online casino may have as many slot machines as desired. The access to these will always be a click away.

The advantage to the player is anytime, anywhere gambling while the casino gets relieved of the huge financial burden that the rent of the land casino may entail.

Some people argue that since luck is the only other commodity, in addition to the coins, to come out triumphs in such games, there are no rules and strategies that one can follow to make hay.

Select the machine, insert the coin, pull there lever and bingo! You are under way. Well, there may be an element of truth in the statement; however, keeping a few slot rules mind definitely increases the odds of your wining at these simplest of casino games.

The casino slots can be classified as a 3 reel or 5 reels. As the name suggests, 3 symbols must be matched in a specific order in a 3 reel casino slot, while 5 symbols will have to be juxtaposed corrected in a 5 reel casino game.

What one must remember is that in 5 reel casino slot, the number of pay lines, the quantum of bonus, multiplier symbols vary with the gaming software company or gaming series.

Now the simple input, output rule of economics. Majority of the slots machine would give higher returns in the event of a higher bet being placed.

If you feel that the lady luck will shine on you, please go right ahead and put your money on these highly rewarding games.

More often than not, a slots machine would provide an average return in the range of 85 percent and 95 percent. However, few of them even provide returns as high as 99 percent to the players.

So it is something like choosing a car with a low mileage or opting for a hatchback that gives a higher mileage. Invariably, the latter would be a better bet. Ditto with the slot machines!

Evaluate all these slot rules to make a kill at the slot machine and augment the fun that you have while playing these straightforward games.

Some slot machines have unique features that attract the pros and the veterans of the industry who ‘know it all’. These experienced campaigners can put conditional bets on these machines. Added features like bonus multipliers only make the adrenalin run high in the players.

The origin of these highly popular gambling game dates back to 1891 when Pitt and Sittman made the use of five drums that displayed poker hand. There was no concrete pay back mechanism at that point in time; therefore this game did not become a rage.

Charles Fey is credited with the production of the first slot machine that gave a payout of as high as fifty cent to the winners, a lucrative disbursement by any standards.

Fey’s machine was not as sleek as we see in the present day world. The fruit symbols were conspicuous by their absence in this first slots machine that shouldering the weight of over 100 pounds of cast iron.

The machine did have stars, horseshoes, and suits from playing cards, like diamonds and spades. The Liberty Belle Saloon and Restaurant in Reno still houses the first Liberty Bell produced by Fey. Thereafter, Fey gave the world the famous fruit designed Operator Bell Slot machine as well.

Bob Dylan changed the face of slot machine for all times to come when he went electric. The electric machines had, beyond doubt, less vulnerability than the mechanical slots. They might not have been perfect, but they were nearing perfection for sure.

BBy the 80’s the microchip revolution bestowed all the slot machines with microchips and random number generators (RNG) to determine the spin of the reels. The popularity of the slot machines continues to head North ever since.